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(14.03.2003 00:53)
The Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education - Economics Institute Prague, Czech Republic
Ph.D. Program in Economics
The application deadline is 31 March.
The Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education - Economics Institute offers the program of doctoral studies in theoretical and applied economics, leading to a PhD degree which is fully accredited in the United States and in the Czech Republic. Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Website: http://www.cerge-ei.cz/phd/
Ответ: Would you check the link of given site, it's maybe incorrect. We can't connetct with this site.
Sincerely yours ...
(12.03.2003 02:45)
Спасибо, конечно, за комплимент, но мой английский все же далек от совершенства. Русский лутсче :) По-украински писать не буду, чтобы не оскорбить национальных чувств тех, кого это касается...
Ответ: Ух ты ;) Вы действительно умеете удивлять.
Ну, вам то понятно, почему мы знаем английский, но как Вы, житель Marina del Rey, узнали русский???
(11.03.2003 17:16)
Огромный привет Бакаевой Г.Е чтобы ей не было обидно, теперь и её имя присутствует на сайте
Ответ: Можно расширить. Например, написать внизу главной странички: created by G.Bakaeva
(11.03.2003 17:14)
У нас в стране Демократия, по крайней мере это написано в Конституции (главном Законе страны). А почему менеджеры проекта возомнили себя Наполеонами непонятно????????????
Ответ: Ответить на этот вопрос трудно. Наверное это у них пережитки тоталитарного строя. :(
(07.03.2003 15:33)
Интересно, зачем преподаватели и менеджеры проекта так хотят выяснить, кто автор этого сайта?! Ну выгонят его(или их),если он вообще из наших, а что дальше? Им ведь тогда нечем будет на него(них) давить и они(преподы) вообще не смогут никак влиять на содержание сайта. И то, что на сайте появится все, что было раньше, а может хуже, по-моему не вопрос. Так что подумайте,УВ.ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИ И МЕНЕДЖЕРЫ ПРОЕКТА, действительно ли вам это нужно.
Ответ: Признаюсь честно: создатель сайта Я, и хозяин тоже я.
А выгонять меня незачто. Ну и что, что шестидесятников сажали, зато КВН-щиков за сатиру никто не трогает ;)
(06.03.2003 23:06)
I didn't want to offend anybody with the "crap" thing - if you've noticed, I put it in a conjunctive mood ("even if..."). Also please sorry my mentoring tone the other day - I wasn't suposed to, it's just the teacher's habit, you know. And I wouldn't use "collaborators" in that sense, these people are colleagues of mine, brothers in arms, if you wish, but as I said, I'm a complete stranger here and don't know any of you guys personally to collaborate with someone. I feel like there was a story behind, but you've learned from your own mistakes and made this site better by getting rid of indecent comments. Go on, you're getting into a learners' virtual community, maybe first in Ukraine! Продолжайте в том же духе...
Ответ: Thank you for advise. ;)
We'd like to ask you about your perfect knowledge of grammer and maybe rusiian.
(05.03.2003 03:18)
I just have one suggestion - be tolerant, and turn the flame mode off. Remember someday all of you will be treated same way - by your kids, your students, your younger colleagues... I don't leave my e-mail as it seems nobody does it here... Will be back again
Ответ: We are doing our best. And thank you for advise.
(05.03.2003 03:11)
Hi, I'm a stranger here, and I must say - it's cool what you're doing! I was looking for official information on the TEMPUS TACIS project, but the Ukrainian server was down :(. Occassionally, I ended up here. Your site gave me better insight than I could ever expect. In my non-web life, I'm on the teacher's side, so I know what you folk often think about us old dumbs. But even if 50% of the site is complete crap, I do appreciate the other half were you think about your classes and your future careers. I think you are presenting here a nice case to study the thorns of international cooperation in education and an example of Western vs ex-USSR & academic vs web cultures clash.
Ответ: "Old dumbs" is not about you but your collaborators who think that all this Web-site should be destroyed.Moreover you are the first who have supported our ideas
There is no "crap" on this site but true. And honesty sometimes can be called "crap".
(25.02.2003 00:12)
We accumulate information about our speciality, courses. 'Cause we are interesing in it.
Ответ: Та мы и "фссгьгдфеу" тоже поняли :)
(25.02.2003 00:08)
We фссгьгдфеу information about our speciality, courses. 'Cause we are interesing in it.
We help each other to get a good job.
We discuss studing proces and teachers. It is normal. I tink. that you and our teachers did it too, when studied at a university?
Is it forbidden by the law? No!!
Ответ: Боюсь, что их "изощренный мозг" превыше таких низменных идей ;)
(24.02.2003 21:12)
Вот блин, а я так и не задал ему интересующие меня вопросы :(
Быстро он съехал с ананимного общения.
Может сайт в былые формы ;)
Ответ: Неа.
Хоть Альфредо и сказал "Я сюда больше не ходец", но за 25.02.2003 он заходил на сайт 6 раз!
(24.02.2003 15:45)
У сазерлендского профессора была обычная реакция... и очень предсказуемая:)) интересно будет посмотреть на наших (украинских) партнеров, когда Москаррдини спросит у них о создателях сайта:)) Ну ваши смелые лица hiding behind a code мне уже видны..
Ответ: К сожалению, Daft, ты прав про Маскарда.
А лица у нас не смелые, а скромные! Мы о себе ни ни ;)
(23.02.2003 14:41)
It is obvious that we are getting nowhere here. I would prefer to discuss this with you all face to face next time I am in Ukraine. I have given you my opinions ( using my own name not hiding behind a code) You have your opinions. So be it You are on your own. This is my last message Good luck
Ответ: I hope you know what you do ;)
(22.02.2003 15:05)
In my department, we have a Russian born lecturer and also a Bulgarian and Armenian( who both speak fluent Russian ) It is not hard to get things translated. I must say that all three were very shocked by what they read and are wondering what type of students would do this.
Ответ: I mention that they are bad translators. I say more they are not attentive and so smart as you believe. The crytics is only 10% of the site. They couldn't understand our wishes to collaborate they saw only evil! But we have no any trash on our site.
(22.02.2003 14:45)
reply to message 1
Ithe word is not 'angry'but saddened. I have tried to encourage student feedback and interchange of opinions in a free open fashion. I feel that my work has been knocked back to the beginning. My sadness is not that you are complaining but by doing it in the vulgar way you have done it you have lost any positive effect that you might have had. You have also weakened my ability to support you in future I agree that you have no control over what comes in but the whole tone of the former web site was mean and vulgar which would naturally attract mean and vulgar messages. The is a saying from the Bible " As you sow, so shall you reap " Please study it
Ответ: For my big regret you don't understand the main target of this site. We'd like to help one each other in gathering of the additional information because of lack scientific sources for studying subjects. We created libraries of the works and links for all. Besides we wanted to leave materials for future students of this speciality. And only few students sent me some crytics. I read it then added and showed this materials. I thought it was funny. There was nothing vulgar. And I still believe in it.
But if you think that helping friends is bad and vulgar you are mistaken.
Moreover I'd like you to tell us your interpretation of the term "vulgar". I see nothing vulgar at our Web-site as all of us but one. Only one message was vulgar. All other communication was about economics, policy, employment, etc.
As for the Bible people died die and will die for the religion and ideas of the Bible. Besides some cited the Bible for own interests: money, rule, power etc. So I don't trust people who quoted the Bible.